Mariupol / Restaurants catalog in Mariupol / Restaurant Dykanka
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Restaurant Dykanka

Mariupol, pr. Mira 95a
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Restaurant Dykanka
Mariupol, pr. Mira 95a
Mariupol, pr. Mira 95a
+38 098 933 1133
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Average bill: 
Dikanka is a national restaurant, located in the very centre of the city, on Myra avenue. The colourful interior is stylised as an old Ukrainian country house: white walls, massive wooden furniture, rushnyky, vyshyvanky and pottery in decor. Guests are treated with traditional dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. Specialties of the house are rabbit's leg in sour cream "Kumova zhiganka", rolls "Saloshimi", potato dumplings with chicken fillet "Dikanka", salad "Salmon in a fur coat". Bar treats with homem...
Dikanka is a national restaurant, located in the very centre of the city, on Myra avenue. The colourful interior is stylised as an old Ukrainian country house: white walls, massive wooden furniture, rushnyky, vyshyvanky and pottery in decor. Guests are treated with traditional dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. Specialties of the house are rabbit's leg in sour cream "Kumova zhiganka", rolls "Saloshimi", potato dumplings with chicken fillet "Dikanka", salad "Salmon in a fur coat". Bar treats with homemade tinctures "Hrenovuha" and "Zhuravlyna", as well as beer Lvivske.
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