Chernihiv / Restaurants catalog in Chernihiv / Cafe Ukrayinske Pidpillya

Cafe Ukrayinske Pidpillya

Ukrayinske Pidpillya
Chernihiv, pr. Myru 35
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
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Cafe Ukrayinske Pidpillya
Chernihiv, pr. Myru 35
Chernihiv, pr. Myru 35
+38 093 022 2619
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Average bill: 
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
Guests are met in a cafe "Ukrainske pidpillya" on the central avenue of Chernihiv. The colourful interior is decorated in style of Ukrainian village. Menu offers classical dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. The bar treats with home-made infusions and special author's cocktails. Theme parties are held here often.
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