Mariupol / Restaurants catalog in Mariupol / Restaurant Shafran
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Restaurant Shafran

Mariupol, pr. Myru 83А
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Restaurant Shafran
Mariupol, pr. Myru 83А
Mariupol, pr. Myru 83А
+38 067 759 5710
Cuisine:  UzbekEastern
Average bill: 
Restaurant of oriental cuisine "Shafran" opens its doors in the city centre, on Myra avenue. Menu offers traditional dishes of Caucasian cuisine. Specialities of the house include beshbarmak, chebureks, lagman. The emphasis is made on meat dishes from chef, which are cooked on a skewer. Business-lunches are served here on weekdays. Dessert menu contains traditional oriental sweets. Colourful interior is made in warm sand tones and is complemented by carved wooden furniture and ethnic decor elements.
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