Mariupol / Restaurants catalog in Mariupol / Cafe Gusi-Lebedi Sv
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Cafe Gusi-Lebedi Sv

Gusi-Lebedi Sv
Mariupol, pr. Metalurhiv 106
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Cafe Gusi-Lebedi Sv
Mariupol, pr. Metalurhiv 106
Mariupol, pr. Metalurhiv 106
+38 067 699 0055
Cuisine:  EuropeanRussianUkrainian
Average bill: 
Gusi-Lebedi Sv
Gusi-Lebedi Sv
Gusi-Lebedi Sv
There is a cafe "Gusi-Ledebi" on Metalurgiv avenue. Colourful interior of main duplex hall is decorated in old Ukrainian style. Menu offers a wide range of home-cooked Slavic, Russian and Ukrainian cuisine dishes. There is a separate sushi menu. Guests are served hookah. Show programs, live music evenings are held here in the evenings. There are children's playroom with animator and summer playground for kids.
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