Cherkasy / Restaurants catalog in Cherkasy / Cafe Patisserie Makarun
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Cafe Patisserie Makarun

Patisserie Makarun
Cherkasy, bul. Shevchenka 195
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Cafe Patisserie Makarun
Cherkasy, bul. Shevchenka 195
Cherkasy, bul. Shevchenka 195
+38 047 232 8406
Patisserie Makarun
Patisserie Makarun
Patisserie Makarun
There is a cozy cafe-confectionery "Patisserie Makarun" on Shevchenka boulevard. It specialises in cooking of desserts, based on natural ingredients. Specialty of the house is sweets "Macaroon”, based on cream and souffle. The bar serves chocolate and coffee cocktails. Interior is decorated in refined French style.
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