Chernivtsi / Restaurants catalog in Chernivtsi / Restaurant La Multi Ani
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Restaurant La Multi Ani

La Multi Ani
Chernivtsi, vul. Shkilna 1b
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Restaurant La Multi Ani
Chernivtsi, vul. Shkilna 1b
Chernivtsi, vul. Shkilna 1b
+38 099 952 3339
Cuisine:  UkrainianBakeryMoldovan
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "LA MULTI ANI" in Shevchenka district of Chernivtsi. Here guests are treated with traditional dishes of Bukovinian and Moldovan cuisine dishes, cooked according to old recipes. Specialties of the house are mamalyga, kostica, stuffed with mushrooms and homemade noodles, chigiri, placinda. The emphasis is made on meat treats, baked on grill. Guests can sing in karaoke.There are three cozy halls and covered summer terrace. Live music sounds in the evenings.
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