Chernivtsi / Restaurants catalog in Chernivtsi / Restaurant Reflection
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Restaurant Reflection

Chernivtsi, vul. Golovna 66
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Restaurant Reflection
Chernivtsi, vul. Golovna 66
Chernivtsi, vul. Golovna 66
+38 037 252 6682
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalian
There is a cafe-brasserie "Reflection" near Soborna square, in the centre of Chernivtsi. Exquisite interior of the restaurant is decorated in classical European style. Guests can enjoy traditional dishes of European and Italian cuisine. Specialties of the house are beef-stroganoff, homemade pasta, steak. Dessert menu contains cakes and homemade cupcakes, handmade chocolate sweets with natural fillings and special fruit marmalade. Classes of the children's cooking school are held on weekends.
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