Kharkiv / Restaurants catalog in Kharkiv / Restaurant Restoratsiia PeretsIe
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Restaurant Restoratsiia PeretsIe

Restoratsiia PeretsIe
Kharkiv, ul. Sumskaia 81a
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Restaurant Restoratsiia PeretsIe
Kharkiv, ul. Sumskaia 81a
Kharkiv, ul. Sumskaia 81a
+38 073 455 3161
Cuisine:  UkrainianPolishBelarusian
Average bill: 
Restaurant “Peretz" is located on the territory of Gorky park on Sumska street. Cozy interior combines loft style and traditional Ukrainian motifs in decor: masonry walls, warm sandy and chocolate shades, panoramic windows, soft sofas and natural wood trim. Menu offers guests a wide range of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish cuisine, cooked according to author's recipes in modern presentation. Guests can order a variety of cold and hot snacks, first and main dishes, dumplings and pancakes with...

Restaurant “Peretz" is located on the territory of Gorky park on Sumska street.

Cozy interior combines loft style and traditional Ukrainian motifs in decor: masonry walls, warm sandy and chocolate shades, panoramic windows, soft sofas and natural wood trim.

Menu offers guests a wide range of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish cuisine, cooked according to author's recipes in modern presentation.

Guests can order a variety of cold and hot snacks, first and main dishes, dumplings and pancakes with a variety of fillings, as well as sets for companies. Breakfast is served in the morning, and guests can order complex dinner from several dishes in the afternoon.

The main emphasis is made on the assortment of special tinctures of its own production, as well as guests can order Ukrainian wines.

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