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Restaurant Cosa Nostra

Cosa Nostra
Khmelnytskyi, ul. Stepana Bandery 2A
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Restaurant Cosa Nostra
Khmelnytskyi, ul. Stepana Bandery 2A
Khmelnytskyi, ul. Stepana Bandery 2A
+38 038 271 9045
Cuisine:  EuropeanJapanese
Cosa Nostra
Cosa Nostra
Cosa Nostra
Restaurant “Cosa Nostra” is located in the centre of Khmelnitskyy, on Rybalka street. Refined interior is decorated in a contemporary style with modern elements: black-and-white palette, brick walls, elegant furniture. Here visitors are served European and Japanese cuisine dishes, cooked by chef. The place has professional music equipment, guests can sing their favourite songs in karaoke.
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