Lutsk / Restaurants catalog in Lutsk / Cafe Shchedryk
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Cafe Shchedryk

Lutsk, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 37
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Cafe Shchedryk
Lutsk, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 37
Lutsk, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 37
Cuisine:  Eastern EuropeanUkrainian
There is a cafe "Schedryk" in the centre of Lutsk, on Lesi Ukrainky street. Menu offers guests an assortment of homemade cakes, cooked according to ancient Volynian recipes. In addition, traditional varenyky with different fillings are served here. There are coffee cocktails and different types of tea. Cozy interior is decorated with brickwork of walls and elements of ethno-decor.
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