Mykolaiv / Restaurants catalog in Mykolaiv / Cafe 101 chashka kavy
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Cafe 101 chashka kavy

101 chashka kavy
Mykolaiv, vul. Moskovska 11/1
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Cafe 101 chashka kavy
Mykolaiv, vul. Moskovska 11/1
Mykolaiv, vul. Moskovska 11/1
+38 051 237 1015
101 chashka kavy
101 chashka kavy
101 chashka kavy
"101 chashka kavy” is a cozy coffee-house, located in the heart of Mykolayiv, on Moskovska street. Original interior is made in cream-chocolate shades and decorated in modern style. Here guests can enjoy a wide range of coffee cocktails, based on freshly roasted coffee. Menu offers popular European dishes. The emphasis is made on fresh bakeries and various desserts of its own production. Drinks can be ordered to take away.
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