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Restaurant Kazbek

Mykolaiv, vul. Naberezhna 5/11
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Restaurant Kazbek
Mykolaiv, vul. Naberezhna 5/11
Mykolaiv, vul. Naberezhna 5/11
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgian
"Kazbek" is a restaurant of oriental cuisine, located on the picturesque Naberezhna street. Interior is designed in Georgian style: wild stone, forged elements, weaving of the vine as a decoration. The pride of the restaurant is stove "Shoti" for cooking bread, which is located in central hall, as well as brazier. Menu consists of traditional Georgian dishes. Specialties of the house are shish-kebab, satsivi, red lobio, pork tenderloin Kazbek. Live music is played every night.
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