Mykolaiv / Restaurants catalog in Mykolaiv / Cafe Pryyemne Pobachennya
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Cafe Pryyemne Pobachennya

Pryyemne Pobachennya
Mykolaiv, vul. Artyleriyska 18
Cafe Pryyemne Pobachennya
Mykolaiv, vul. Artyleriyska 18
Mykolaiv, vul. Artyleriyska 18
+38 051 235 4394
Cuisine:  RussianUkrainian
There is a small cafe "Pryyemne pobachennya” on Artyleriyska street. Here guests are treated with traditional dishes of European, Ukrainian, Russian and Georgian cuisine. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays. The bar treats with an assortment of coffee cocktails. Coffee to go service is provided.
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