Uzhhorod / Restaurants catalog in Uzhhorod / Restaurant Gospoda
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Restaurant Gospoda

Uzhhorod, vul. Voloshyna 40
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Restaurant Gospoda
Uzhhorod, vul. Voloshyna 40
Uzhhorod, vul. Voloshyna 40
+38 066 806 2981
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
There is a family restaurant “Gospoda” on the way to Uzhgorod Castle, on Voloshina street. Spacious hall recreates the atmosphere of home comfort, there are fireplace, made of white stone, and paintings of contemporary artists on the walls. Here guests can enjoy dishes of old Hungarian and Slovak cuisine, made from farm products. Specialties of the house are bograch, goulash “Segetskyi”, salad “Ulublenyi”.
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