Vinnytsia / Restaurants catalog in Vinnytsia / Restaurant Slovyanskyy Dvir
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Restaurant Slovyanskyy Dvir

Slovyanskyy Dvir
Vinnytsia, vul. 600-richchya 17
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Restaurant Slovyanskyy Dvir
Vinnytsia, vul. 600-richchya 17
Vinnytsia, vul. 600-richchya 17
+38 098 050 7878
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "Slovyanskyi Dvir" in a few minutes walk from shopping and entertainment centre "Megamoll". There is a spacious summer terrace, where cozy gazebos and alcoves are located. Menu offers popular European, Caucasian and Ukrainian dishes. feature of the place is open brazier in the centre of courtyard, where specialties of the house are cooked. Live music sounds from Friday to Saturday.
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