Vinnytsia / Restaurants catalog in Vinnytsia / Restaurant Steak House
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Restaurant Steak House

Steak House
Vinnytsia, pr. Yunosti 18
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Restaurant Steak House
Vinnytsia, pr. Yunosti 18
Vinnytsia, pr. Yunosti 18
+38 043 252 5479
Cuisine:  AmericanEuropeanUkrainianJapanese
Average bill: 
There is a meat restaurant "Steak House" on Yunosti avenue. Guests can taste different meat dishes, cooked according to traditional European recipes.There is a large range of steaks of different stages of roasting, as well as a variety of treats, cooked on grill and barbecue. There is a sushi menu. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays.
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