Zaporizhzhia / Restaurants catalog in Zaporizhzhia / Restaurant Oleksandrivskyy Povit

Restaurant Oleksandrivskyy Povit

Oleksandrivskyy Povit
Zaporizhzhia, pr. Sobornyy 78
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Restaurant Oleksandrivskyy Povit
Zaporizhzhia, pr. Sobornyy 78
Zaporizhzhia, pr. Sobornyy 78
+38 061 764 7569
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgianUkrainian
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "Oleksandrivskyi povit" on Sobornyi avenue, near the Universitetska Square. There are winter hall and spacious summer terrace. Menu offers traditional European, Ukrainian and Crimean-Tatar dishes, which are cooked from natural farm products. The emphasis is made on meat and fish dishes, cooked on grill and in tandoor. Live music sounds in the evenings from Tuesday to Sunday.
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