Chernihiv / Restaurants catalog in Chernihiv / Restaurant RiverSide (River Side)

Restaurant RiverSide (River Side)

Chernihiv, vul. Shevchenka 105
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
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Restaurant RiverSide (River Side)
Chernihiv, vul. Shevchenka 105
Chernihiv, vul. Shevchenka 105
+38 093 468 3939
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
COVID19 - SAFE Restaurant taking safety measures  
There is a restaurant “Riverside” next to hotel complex "Park-Hotel", on the picturesque bank of the river Desna. Exclusive dishes with elements of avant-garde cuisine are served. There is a separate "Show-menu". Particular attention is paid to desserts: exclusive marmalade, sweets and petit four are cooked on the basis of natural ingredients. There are main hall, summer terrace with fireplace, children's game club and swimming pool with closed beach.
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