Dnipro / Restaurants catalog in Dnipro / Restaurant Ma Cocotte Bistro
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Restaurant Ma Cocotte Bistro

Ma Cocotte Bistro
Dnipro, vul. Patorzhynskoho 33
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Restaurant Ma Cocotte Bistro
Dnipro, vul. Patorzhynskoho 33
Dnipro, vul. Patorzhynskoho 33
+38 067 311 5454
Cuisine:  French
There is a bistro "Ma Cocotte" at the intersection of Patorzhinskogo and Pivdenna streets. Interior is decorated in style of Provence: furniture from light wood, pastel shades, wooden beams on the ceilings. Menu includes exclusive French cuisine. Specialties of the house are snails, foie gras, mussels. The feature of the cafe is its champagne bar, in which 14 kinds of exquisite sparkling wines are represented. Guests can bring a bottle of wine with them at special hours, called WineTime.
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