Dnipro / Restaurants catalog in Dnipro / Restaurant Staryy Tiflis
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Restaurant Staryy Tiflis

Staryy Tiflis
Dnipro, vul. Sichovykh Striltsiv 14
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Restaurant Staryy Tiflis
Dnipro, vul. Sichovykh Striltsiv 14
Dnipro, vul. Sichovykh Striltsiv 14
+38 068 456 9839
Cuisine:  Georgian
Staryy Tiflis
Staryy Tiflis
Restaurant of Georgian cuisine “Staryi Tiflis", located in Shevchenkivskyi district of Dnipro, offers its guests an assortment of traditional dishes, cooked according to home recipes. Specialty of the house is khinkali on a thin dough with different fillings. In addition, the emphasis is made on meat dishes, cooked on grill. Interior is decorated in oriental style.
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