Dnipro / Restaurants catalog in Dnipro / Coffee house Caffe in Grani
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Coffee house Caffe in Grani

Caffe in Grani
Dnipro, pr. Dmytra Yavornytskoho 55
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Coffee house Caffe in Grani
Dnipro, pr. Dmytra Yavornytskoho 55
Dnipro, pr. Dmytra Yavornytskoho 55
+38 096 188 3000
Coffee-house “Caffe in Grani” is located at the corner of Artema street and Karla Marksa avenue. Interior is designed in style of modern classics. Menu offers exclusive European dishes. Specialties of the house are veal carpaccio with parmesan cheese, dessert “Grani”. Restaurant specialises in roasting, blending and cooking of elite varieties of coffee. Live music sounds in the evenings.
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