There is a tea-shop of network "Cha Dao" on Vernadskogo street, near the hotel "Ekaterinoslavsky".
Special feature of the place is a huge selection of exclusive Chinese tea. There are different grades of white, green, black, red, jasmine tea, Puer variety, oolong.
Guests can only try the tea presented in "Cha Dao", but also buy the variety they like. Besides, tea ceremonies are held in the tea shop, during which every visitor can communicate with the tea master.
Menu focuses on desserts and pastries, made by confectioner's from natural and fresh products without the addition of white flour, baking powder and flavours.
Desserts are offered: strudel with mushrooms and apples, cakes, syrnyks, cheesecakes are among them.
Every guest can buy various accessories for tea ceremonies, gift sets, glass and porcelain dishes, glass gunfu and porcelain Zinn Tsi, which are supplied from China.
There are culinary master-classes for children and adults regularly.