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Cafe Sushi Like

Sushi Like
Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 42
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Cafe Sushi Like
Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 42
Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Lesi Ukrayinky 42
+38 096 686 6300
Cuisine:  SushiJapanese
There is a cafe "Sushi Like” in the heart of Kamenetz-Podolskyy, on Lesi Ukrainky street. Guests can enjoy popular Japanese and Chinese cuisine dishes, cooked according to traditional recipes. Among the specialties of the house are Assorted Pati Set, Philadelphia roll, Thai seafood soup, tempura Fruit dessert. Own food delivery system works.
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