Kryvyi Rih / Restaurants catalog in Kryvyi Rih / Cafe New York Street Pizza
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Cafe New York Street Pizza

New York Street Pizza
Kryvyi Rih, vul. Mystetska 13
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Cafe New York Street Pizza
Kryvyi Rih, vul. Mystetska 13
Kryvyi Rih, vul. Mystetska 13
+38 050 492 0712
Cuisine:  EuropeanPizza
There is one of pizzerias of network “New York Street Pizza” in Metalurgiynyi district of Kryvyi rih. Guests are treated with popular European, Italian and Ukrainian dishes. Specialty of the house is pizza "New York" with bacon and mozzarella. There are section with exclusive pizzas, homemade pasta and separate grill menu. There is its own food delivery service.
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