Kryvyi Rih / Restaurants catalog in Kryvyi Rih / Pizzeria New York Street Pizza
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Pizzeria New York Street Pizza

New York Street Pizza
Kryvyi Rih, pr. Poshtovyy 54
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Pizzeria New York Street Pizza
Kryvyi Rih, pr. Poshtovyy 54
Kryvyi Rih, pr. Poshtovyy 54
+38 056 490 1417
Cuisine:  EuropeanPizza
One of fast-food network pizzerias "New York Street Pizza" is located on Poshtovyi avenue. Here guests are treated with an assortment of author's pizza and grill menu. In addition, visitors can taste popular European, Italian and Ukrainian dishes. Specialty of the house is pizza with bacon and mozzarella "New York". Complex breakfasts are served in the mornings.
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