Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Pub Krapka Koma
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Pub Krapka Koma

Krapka Koma
Kyiv, vul. Antonovycha 14
Все фотографии
Pub Krapka Koma
Kyiv, vul. Antonovycha 14
Kyiv, vul. Antonovycha 14
+38 044 466 7111
Ploshcha Lʹva Tolstoho, Palats sportu
Cuisine:  EuropeanAuthor's
Average bill: 
Literary pub in the city centre is called "Krapka Coma" and located in a spacious and bright room. Interior is designed in minimalism style, various photos, books, paintings and antiques are used as a decoration. These things bring special charm and make atmosphere of peace and comfort. Menu has an assortment of restaurant dishes of European cuisine — the first dishes, cold and hot appetizers, salads and a range of desserts. Bar menu includes six varieties of crafting beer and a variety of creative cocktails.
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