Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe 1900 Gastrobar
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Cafe 1900 Gastrobar

1900 Gastrobar
Kyiv, vul. Bohdana Khmelnytskoho 32
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Cafe 1900 Gastrobar
Kyiv, vul. Bohdana Khmelnytskoho 32
Kyiv, vul. Bohdana Khmelnytskoho 32
+38 063 109 1900
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Cuisine:  AmericanEuropean
There is a gastrobar "1900 Coworking" in a walking distance from Opera theatre. It is located in old building of 1900th year. Gastropub includes right wing with co-working zone for 40 people. There are meeting room, lecture halls and two halls in gastrozone. Interior is decorated in ascetic style with loft elements: black and white brick walls, wooden furniture, soft sofas of pastel colours, live plants. Menu offers an assortment of popular European dishes with elements of molecular cuisine.

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