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Cafe 7 Fridays

7 Fridays
Kyiv, vul. Hmelnickogo 29/2
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Cafe 7 Fridays
Kyiv, vul. Hmelnickogo 29/2
Kyiv, vul. Hmelnickogo 29/2
+38 044 278 1187
Cuisine:  AmericanEuropeanItalianUkrainian
Average bill: 
«7 Fridays» Restaurant is a city-café that lies a few steps away from St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral and Opera House. The menu offers a wide range of Italian, American and Ukrainian dishes. The restaurant is famous for its 7 Fridays burger, turkey steak, and cottage cheese pancakes. Restaurant’s menu offers a variety of breakfast and business lunch options. The restaurant is situated on two floors. The eclectic interior is carried out in a pub style. There are lots of decoration items and floral wallpapers.

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