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Restaurant Ikra

Kyiv, vul. Olesia Gonchara 67
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Restaurant Ikra
Kyiv, vul. Olesia Gonchara 67
Kyiv, vul. Olesia Gonchara 67
+38 067 300 8811
Cuisine:  SeafoodMediterraneanSushiJapaneseFishAuthor's
Fish restaurant "Ikra" is located in the heart of Kyiv, not far from Peremogy square and circus. Cozy interior is made in style of Etro with elements of Art Deco: velvet furniture, ebony, original lamps, fountains. There are three spacious halls: "Central”, "Mirror" and "Hall with fountains." The basis of menu is author's dishes of Mediterranean and Japanese culinary. The main focus is made on refreshments from fresh seafood and exotic fish. Specialties of the house are fresh salad with salmon a...
Fish restaurant "Ikra" is located in the heart of Kyiv, not far from Peremogy square and circus. Cozy interior is made in style of Etro with elements of Art Deco: velvet furniture, ebony, original lamps, fountains. There are three spacious halls: "Central”, "Mirror" and "Hall with fountains." The basis of menu is author's dishes of Mediterranean and Japanese culinary. The main focus is made on refreshments from fresh seafood and exotic fish. Specialties of the house are fresh salad with salmon and flying fish roe, salad with eel, couscous and Unagi sauce, tartar with strawberries, Norwegian salmon in coriander sauce. There are special desserts: chocolate truffles, aerial mousse from passion fruit. Bar menu consists of different varieties of European wines, as well as author's cocktails.


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