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Restaurant Shinok (Selo i Liudi)

Shinok (Selo i Liudi)
Kyiv, vul. Saksagans'kogo 129b
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Restaurant Shinok (Selo i Liudi)
Kyiv, vul. Saksagans'kogo 129b
Kyiv, vul. Saksagans'kogo 129b
+38 044 235 9796
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Ukrainian restaurant-pub Selo i Ludy is based on Saksahanskoho Street. Inside country style interior with elements of ethnic decor such as collection of towels and pots, hand-made wooden furniture, paintings depicting folk feasts. Guests are served here traditional Ukrainian dishes cooked following old recipes. Specialties of the house are shpundra, roasted catfish, boudin noir and varenyki as well as the exclusive dish - Nasha Fishka. To drink there are home-made liquors (nastoika). Visitors may enjoy here folk pipe music.

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