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Restaurant Al Faro

Al Faro
Kyiv, vul. Velika Vasilkіvska 49A
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Restaurant Al Faro
Kyiv, vul. Velika Vasilkіvska 49A
Kyiv, vul. Velika Vasilkіvska 49A
+38 098 114 3300
Cuisine:  Italian
Average bill: 
«Al Faro» trattoria is an Italian restaurant, which, in combination the interior decorations, makes visitors feel like in a country house in the Italy province. Pizza with different toppings is baked in a special wooden stove with professionalism. Three halls welcome guests. In addition, one can order popular Italian food such as spaghetti, pizza, risotto, a variety of salads and desserts made according to home recipes. The restaurant’s other exclusive feature is its wine card. Here one ca...
«Al Faro» trattoria is an Italian restaurant, which, in combination the interior decorations, makes visitors feel like in a country house in the Italy province. Pizza with different toppings is baked in a special wooden stove with professionalism. Three halls welcome guests. In addition, one can order popular Italian food such as spaghetti, pizza, risotto, a variety of salads and desserts made according to home recipes. The restaurant’s other exclusive feature is its wine card. Here one can find the best labels representing almost every corner of Italy. In summer time children can play at the outdoor playground while their parents are enjoying the meal on a summer terrace.

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