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Restaurant Aveniu

Kyiv, pr. Geroev Stalingrada 4, korpus 6
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Restaurant Aveniu
Kyiv, pr. Geroev Stalingrada 4, korpus 6
Kyiv, pr. Geroev Stalingrada 4, korpus 6
+38 063 012 2424
Cuisine:  EuropeanHealthy FoodJapanese
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant of healthy food "Avenue" in Obolonskyi district of the capital. There are popular European dishes in menu, which are cooked from environmentally friendly Ukrainian products, actively using the method of low-temperature processing of products, su-type, which allows to preserve the maximum of useful substances. Specialties of the house include duck with unagi sauce, veal with sweet pumpkin, broth from a young cock with egg poached, no-fat pies with salmon and spinach. Complex...
There is a restaurant of healthy food "Avenue" in Obolonskyi district of the capital. There are popular European dishes in menu, which are cooked from environmentally friendly Ukrainian products, actively using the method of low-temperature processing of products, su-type, which allows to preserve the maximum of useful substances. Specialties of the house include duck with unagi sauce, veal with sweet pumpkin, broth from a young cock with egg poached, no-fat pies with salmon and spinach. Complex brunches are served on weekdays. Dishes can be ordered for takeaway. Summer terrace works during warm season. There is its own food delivery service.


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