Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Bar Babay Bar
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Bar Babay Bar

Babay Bar
Kyiv, vul. Pushkinska 25
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Bar Babay Bar
Kyiv, vul. Pushkinska 25
Kyiv, vul. Pushkinska 25
+38 067 506 1366
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgianUkrainianAuthor's
Average bill: 
There is a bar "Babay" near the metro station "Teatralna", on Pushkinska street. The feature of the place is that is its 24-hour exhibition area, where various expositions of photos and paintings of contemporary Ukrainian artists are exhibited. Music parties, performances of popular DJs and broadcasts of sports events on large plasma screens are held here regularly. There is an assortment of popular European, Italian and Ukrainian dishes. The emphasis is made of meat lasagne with spinach and mus...
There is a bar "Babay" near the metro station "Teatralna", on Pushkinska street. The feature of the place is that is its 24-hour exhibition area, where various expositions of photos and paintings of contemporary Ukrainian artists are exhibited. Music parties, performances of popular DJs and broadcasts of sports events on large plasma screens are held here regularly. There is an assortment of popular European, Italian and Ukrainian dishes. The emphasis is made of meat lasagne with spinach and mushrooms, 11 types of Italian pasta, a variety of salads, seafood. Ukrainian borsch, deruny, varenyky are also served here. The bar treats with fresh bottled Ukrainian beer and experimental author's cocktails.


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