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Pub Babay Pub

Babay Pub
Kyiv, vul. Hetmana 34
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Pub Babay Pub
Kyiv, vul. Hetmana 34
Kyiv, vul. Hetmana 34
+38 067 506 1366
Shulyavsʹka, Politekhnichnyy instytut
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
There is a pub "Babay" in Solomyansky district of the capital, on Vadyma Getmana street. Here guests can order popular dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisine. Breakfasts are served every morning, and business-lunches are served at lunchtime. Specialties of the house are chicken fillet with pomegranate sauce, schnitzel with mushrooms, potatoes and zucchini, pork stuffed with egg and spices. Menu contains author's cocktails and an assortment of fresh draft beer. Sports events are broadcasted her...
There is a pub "Babay" in Solomyansky district of the capital, on Vadyma Getmana street. Here guests can order popular dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisine. Breakfasts are served every morning, and business-lunches are served at lunchtime. Specialties of the house are chicken fillet with pomegranate sauce, schnitzel with mushrooms, potatoes and zucchini, pork stuffed with egg and spices. Menu contains author's cocktails and an assortment of fresh draft beer. Sports events are broadcasted here regularly. Popular rock-bands perform here in the evenings. In addition, many Kyiv artists and photographers often exhibit their works here, on the pub walls.


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