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Restaurant Barin

Kyiv, ul. Nikolsko-Slobodskaia 2b
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Restaurant Barin
Kyiv, ul. Nikolsko-Slobodskaia 2b
Kyiv, ul. Nikolsko-Slobodskaia 2b
+38 097 177 5736
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgian
There is a family restaurant "Barin" on the Left Bank of Kyiv, in front of Exhibition and Business Center. Elegant interior is decorated in classical European style: soft cream sofas, crystal chandeliers, mirrors and snow-white tablecloths, wallpaper in vintage style. Here guests can taste traditional dishes of Italian, French, Georgian and Ukrainian culinary. Specialty of the house is a multi-layered treat from Bulgarian pepper and quail. The emphasis is made on the variety of meat, fish and ve...
There is a family restaurant "Barin" on the Left Bank of Kyiv, in front of Exhibition and Business Center. Elegant interior is decorated in classical European style: soft cream sofas, crystal chandeliers, mirrors and snow-white tablecloths, wallpaper in vintage style. Here guests can taste traditional dishes of Italian, French, Georgian and Ukrainian culinary. Specialty of the house is a multi-layered treat from Bulgarian pepper and quail. The emphasis is made on the variety of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, cooked on grill. The bar has strong drinks, author's cocktails and an assortment of selected wines of Chile, Italy, France, Georgia and Argentina. Live music sounds in the restaurant in the evening. Summer terrace is open during warm season.

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