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Restaurant Barkas

Kyiv, vul. Volodimirs'ka 49a
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Restaurant Barkas
Kyiv, vul. Volodimirs'ka 49a
Kyiv, vul. Volodimirs'ka 49a
+38 097 098 3304
Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  EuropeanFish
Average bill: 
«Barkas Fish Restaurant» offers visitors a wide range of Black Sea cuisine. The main ingredients for dishes are seafood, fish, goat cheese and lamb. The restaurant’s specialties are lamb leg in wine and herbs, mussels under coconut milk, fish kebab with yogurt sauce. The wine card offers different Crimean wines of Vinodel (‘Winemaker’) and Esse brands. There is a summer terrace and three main halls, two of which are halls for non-smokers. Two halls don’t allow smoking. The interior is executed in marine style with white, sand and blue colors.

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