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Restaurant Baron Miunkhgauzen

Baron Miunkhgauzen
Kyiv, vul. Gogolevska 39
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Restaurant Baron Miunkhgauzen
Kyiv, vul. Gogolevska 39
Kyiv, vul. Gogolevska 39
+38 044 482 0794
Luk'yanivsʹka, Zoloti vorota
Cuisine:  UkrainianEastern
«Baron Munchausen» is located in Shevchenko district of the capital city. There are main and banquet halls, summer terrace, karaoke and VIP hall in the restaurant. The menu offers popular European fare with chef’s interpretation. There is a wide selection of wines. The restaurant is a perfect place for banquets, wedding, birthday and anniversary parties.

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