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Restaurant Beeze Black (BeezeBlack)

Beeze Black
Kyiv, vul. Saksaganskogo 120
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Restaurant Beeze Black (BeezeBlack)
Kyiv, vul. Saksaganskogo 120
Kyiv, vul. Saksaganskogo 120
+38 097 476 8888
Vokzalʹna, University
Cuisine:  AmericanEuropeanItalianMediterraneanSushiFrenchJapanesePan-AsianAuthor's
Average bill: 
There is a karaoke restaurant "Beeze Black" in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv, in a short walk from the metro station “Zoloti vorota”. There are spacious main hall, banquet hall, karaoke room with modern sound equipment, meeting room, active bar, dance floor and stage. Menu offers popular dishes of American, European and Japanese cuisine. Special feature of menu is a large selection of bruschettes, which can be ordered in bruschetta bar. FSeparate banquet menu is offered. Elegant interior ...

There is a karaoke restaurant "Beeze Black" in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv, in a short walk from the metro station “Zoloti vorota”.

There are spacious main hall, banquet hall, karaoke room with modern sound equipment, meeting room, active bar, dance floor and stage.

Menu offers popular dishes of American, European and Japanese cuisine.

Special feature of menu is a large selection of bruschettes, which can be ordered in bruschetta bar.

FSeparate banquet menu is offered.

Elegant interior is decorated in modern style with elements of lounge: cream-chocolate colour scheme, exquisite drapery, upholstered furniture, live plants, paintings on the walls.

Dance and theme parties, as well as popular DJs performances are held here regularly.

Visitors can smoke a fragrant hookah.


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