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Cafe Bionika Kafe

Bionika Kafe
Kyiv, vul. Borshchagovska 128
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Cafe Bionika Kafe
Kyiv, vul. Borshchagovska 128
Kyiv, vul. Borshchagovska 128
+38 063 441 3441
Politekhnichnyy instytut
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Recreation complex "Bionika" is located in Solomyansky district of Kyiv with a cozy "Be In Day Cafe" on the ground floor. There are two spacious modern, pastel-colored halls. The menu includes popular European dishes. Set breakfast choices are offered in the morning, and business lunches are offered throughout the day. In addition, cafe guests can also be seated in the games room that has various board games and four X-Box stations. Visitors can also order aromatic hookahs with famous brand tobaccos and author's mixes.

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