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Restaurant Blinoff

Kyiv, vul. Lugova 12
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Restaurant Blinoff
Kyiv, vul. Lugova 12
Kyiv, vul. Lugova 12
+38 044 461 8662
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Anyone will find Ukrainian and European dishes in «the Blinoff Restaurant». Pancakes, or blini, are a key specialty of the restaurant. Visitors can choose different fillings such as mushrooms, meat, vegetables, fish, honey, condensed milk or jam. In addition to blini, there are homemade thick pancakes, borshch, salads, soups, casseroles, various garnishes and desserts to enjoy. Beverage card offers different varieties of tea and coffee, fresh-drinks, mousses and fizzy drinks. Anyone can feel her...
Anyone will find Ukrainian and European dishes in «the Blinoff Restaurant». Pancakes, or blini, are a key specialty of the restaurant. Visitors can choose different fillings such as mushrooms, meat, vegetables, fish, honey, condensed milk or jam. In addition to blini, there are homemade thick pancakes, borshch, salads, soups, casseroles, various garnishes and desserts to enjoy. Beverage card offers different varieties of tea and coffee, fresh-drinks, mousses and fizzy drinks. Anyone can feel here at home. There is a menu for kids, because children’s parties are often celebrated here. A summer terrace and a hookah are also at visitors’ disposal.

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