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Restaurant Bokachcho

Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova 2
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Restaurant Bokachcho
Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova 2
Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova 2
+38 044 377 5545
Cuisine:  Italian
There is a restaurant-pizzeria "Boccaccio" in the centre of the capital, on the territory of business centre "Parus" on Mechnikova street. The terrace hall is decorated in light colours and decorated with snow-white tablecloths, air curtains, rounded wicker armchairs and plates with fresh fruit. The main hall is decorated in style of country house: wallpaper with flower prints, oak trim, milk shades. Menu includes traditional Italian cuisine. The restaurant has its own wine cellar, professional ...
There is a restaurant-pizzeria "Boccaccio" in the centre of the capital, on the territory of business centre "Parus" on Mechnikova street. The terrace hall is decorated in light colours and decorated with snow-white tablecloths, air curtains, rounded wicker armchairs and plates with fresh fruit. The main hall is decorated in style of country house: wallpaper with flower prints, oak trim, milk shades. Menu includes traditional Italian cuisine. The restaurant has its own wine cellar, professional sommelier selects wine to Menu. There are children's menu and animators for kids.

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