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Restaurant Bulvar

Kyiv, bul. Rusanivskyi 7
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Restaurant Bulvar
Kyiv, bul. Rusanivskyi 7
Kyiv, bul. Rusanivskyi 7
+38 063 233 3388
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgianUkrainian
Average bill: 
While walking on Rusanovskaya embankment one can visit the restaurant called Bulvar. Celebration and holiday parties, anniversaries and company parties can be organized here. Professional presenters, show programs and live music can be ordered to add a charm to the celebration. The restaurant is decorated with an English accent, in light colors interspersed with shades of blue, which looks elegant and solemn. The menu offers popular dishes of European and Georgian cuisine. There is a wide select...
While walking on Rusanovskaya embankment one can visit the restaurant called Bulvar. Celebration and holiday parties, anniversaries and company parties can be organized here. Professional presenters, show programs and live music can be ordered to add a charm to the celebration. The restaurant is decorated with an English accent, in light colors interspersed with shades of blue, which looks elegant and solemn. The menu offers popular dishes of European and Georgian cuisine. There is a wide selection of desserts in the menu. The alcohol beverage card offers a number of Italian and French wines. There is a banquet hall for 100 people.

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