Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Bar Lakki Luchano
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Bar Lakki Luchano

Lakki Luchano
Kyiv, vul. Dragоmanova 29
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Bar Lakki Luchano
Kyiv, vul. Dragоmanova 29
Kyiv, vul. Dragоmanova 29
+38 095 280 6682
Cuisine:  American
Lakki Luchano
Lakki Luchano
Lakki Luchano
«Burger Bar Lakki Luchano» is a chain of inexpensive trendy burger bars. The feature of the bars is the American furnace of the twentieth century that is used to prepare dishes. Every guest becomes a spectator of an exciting action performed at the open kitchen. Here one can watch the dish being cooked in a cast-iron oven. A burger with all sorts of fillings and homemade sauces is a specialty of the bar. Guests can also enjoy salads, hot and cold dishes of traditional American cuisine. Bar menu ...
«Burger Bar Lakki Luchano» is a chain of inexpensive trendy burger bars. The feature of the bars is the American furnace of the twentieth century that is used to prepare dishes. Every guest becomes a spectator of an exciting action performed at the open kitchen. Here one can watch the dish being cooked in a cast-iron oven. A burger with all sorts of fillings and homemade sauces is a specialty of the bar. Guests can also enjoy salads, hot and cold dishes of traditional American cuisine. Bar menu presents a variety of cocktails and shakes. The interior is supplemented with wood texture and warm tints of brown.

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