Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Restaurant Cafe Charlotte (Сafe Charlotte)

Restaurant Cafe Charlotte (Сafe Charlotte)

Cafe Charlotte
Kyiv, vul. Turhenyevska 55
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Restaurant Cafe Charlotte (Сafe Charlotte)
Kyiv, vul. Turhenyevska 55
Kyiv, vul. Turhenyevska 55
+38 044 484 5533
Cuisine:  EuropeanFrench
Average bill: 
Café «Charlotte»is located on Turgenievskaya Street, 55. The café’s menu offers simple dishes of French cuisine prepared according to old recipes. Visitors can feast on rooster in wine, scallops, Quiche Lorraine pie and steak tartare. Foie gras with pear, fresh oysters and herring with butter and potatoes are the specialties of the Café.
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