Main / Restaurants catalog in Kyiv / Cafe La Vaca Tapas
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Cafe La Vaca Tapas

La Vaca Tapas
Kyiv, vul. Simona Petljuri 6
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Cafe La Vaca Tapas
Kyiv, vul. Simona Petljuri 6
Kyiv, vul. Simona Petljuri 6
+38 067 502 6604
Cuisine:  EuropeanSpanishMediterranean
Average bill: 
«La Vaca» café is located in the center of Kiev. The menu offers popular dishes of Spanish and Italian cuisines. The chef uses seasonal natural ingredients to prepare every dish in a distinguished manner. The restaurant serves up a range of Mediterranean delicacies, including bruschetta, steaks, paella, jamon, a large number of cheeses, gazpacho and traditional homemade sauces. The heart of the café is its wine card that includes only the best wine from the best wineries of Spain, France, Chile ...
«La Vaca» café is located in the center of Kiev. The menu offers popular dishes of Spanish and Italian cuisines. The chef uses seasonal natural ingredients to prepare every dish in a distinguished manner. The restaurant serves up a range of Mediterranean delicacies, including bruschetta, steaks, paella, jamon, a large number of cheeses, gazpacho and traditional homemade sauces. The heart of the café is its wine card that includes only the best wine from the best wineries of Spain, France, Chile and Georgia. The highlight of this place is the open kitchen. Meal delivery service is available.

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