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Cafe Café L'étage

Café L'étage
Kyiv, vul. Shota Rustaveli 16 A
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Cafe Café L'étage
Kyiv, vul. Shota Rustaveli 16 A
Kyiv, vul. Shota Rustaveli 16 A
+38 067 171 1616
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianFrench
Café L'étage
Café L'étage
Café L'étage
«Café L'étage» is located on Shota Rustaveli Street and offers its visitors modern European cuisine. The café operates as a mono-kitchen. «L'étage» area is 300 square meters and can accommodate a large number of guests. The interior is designed as a French conservatory decorated with greenery and ornamental glass. Dishes masterfully cooked by the chef are being prepared with farm organic products with minimal heat treatment. The café prides itself for sauces. Also a wide selection of burgers and a vast dessert menu are offered here.

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