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Restaurant Kazanova

Kyiv, vul. YU. Shumskoho 3a
Restaurant Kazanova
Kyiv, vul. YU. Shumskoho 3a
Kyiv, vul. YU. Shumskoho 3a
+38 044 232 8484
Cuisine:  ItalianSushiJapaneseEasternPizzaBarbecue menu
There is a restaurant "Casanova" on the shore of Lake Telbin in the district Dniprovkyi of Kyov, near the metro station “Livoberezhna”. Elegant interior is decorated in classical European style. Visitors can seat on open summer area in the warm season, it is stylised as medieval courtyard with fountain, waterfalls and exotic trees. The restaurant consists of spacious main hall for 70 guests, divided into restaurant area and piano bar, where elite cognacs and cigars are served. Chefs specialis...

There is a restaurant "Casanova" on the shore of Lake Telbin in the district Dniprovkyi of Kyov, near the metro station “Livoberezhna”.

Elegant interior is decorated in classical European style. Visitors can seat on open summer area in the warm season, it is stylised as medieval courtyard with fountain, waterfalls and exotic trees.

The restaurant consists of spacious main hall for 70 guests, divided into restaurant area and piano bar, where elite cognacs and cigars are served.

Chefs specialise in cooking of popular dishes of European, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.

There is a section with sushi. In addition, the restaurant serves a variety of vegetarian dishes.

Children's menu has been developed. The main emphasis is made on various beer snacks and meat dishes, cooked on open fire.

Guests can play slot machines in the entertainment area, as well as mini-casino in the restaurant. Live music sounds here in the evenings. Visitors can dance on the dance floor.


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