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Restaurant China White

China White
Kyiv, bul. Lesі Ukraїnki 24
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Restaurant China White
Kyiv, bul. Lesі Ukraїnki 24
Kyiv, bul. Lesі Ukraїnki 24
+38 044 594 2175
Cuisine:  ChineseJapanese
«China White» is an Asian restaurant in the center of the Ukrainian capital. Over 180 guests can be accommodated in seven halls of the restaurant. The menu offers dishes of Chinese, Japanese and European cuisine prepared both according to traditional recipes and modern ones according to a fusion cuisine method. Visitors can enjoy hot and cold snacks, light salads, sushi and sashimi, soups, meat and fish dishes, which are served on a white-hot frying pan. Peking duck is a specialty of China White...
«China White» is an Asian restaurant in the center of the Ukrainian capital. Over 180 guests can be accommodated in seven halls of the restaurant. The menu offers dishes of Chinese, Japanese and European cuisine prepared both according to traditional recipes and modern ones according to a fusion cuisine method. Visitors can enjoy hot and cold snacks, light salads, sushi and sashimi, soups, meat and fish dishes, which are served on a white-hot frying pan. Peking duck is a specialty of China White. Guests can enjoy wines of Chile, France, Italy, and Argentina, sparkling wines, cocktails, liqueurs and alcohol-free drinks. The restaurant is decorated in oriental style. Red color and soft lighting are widely used in the interior design of the restaurant.

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