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Restaurant Churras BBQ

Churras BBQ
Kyiv, vul. Anny Akhmatovoyi 22
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Restaurant Churras BBQ
Kyiv, vul. Anny Akhmatovoyi 22
Kyiv, vul. Anny Akhmatovoyi 22
+38 098 087 5170
Cuisine:  AmericanEuropean
Average bill: 
“Churras Bbq” is a meat restaurant, located in Pozdnyaky district. It works as a churrasceria with unlimited meat. The conception is popular Latin American tradition of meat unlimited, which is offered for a fixed price. Special meat set includes eight grilled meats, served with corn in Provencal herbs, pineapple chilies and twelve seasonal snacks. There is a salad bar. Menu offers a range of popular American dishes. Guests enjoy a variety of craft beers. Interior in minimalist style is decorate...
“Churras Bbq” is a meat restaurant, located in Pozdnyaky district. It works as a churrasceria with unlimited meat. The conception is popular Latin American tradition of meat unlimited, which is offered for a fixed price. Special meat set includes eight grilled meats, served with corn in Provencal herbs, pineapple chilies and twelve seasonal snacks. There is a salad bar. Menu offers a range of popular American dishes. Guests enjoy a variety of craft beers. Interior in minimalist style is decorated with concrete and metal, there are sofas in a black and white strip, white chairs and massive wooden tables. In addition, there are stage and summer terrace, as well as long bar.

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