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Restaurant Petrovich

Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavska 5/2
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Restaurant Petrovich
Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavska 5/2
Kyiv, vul. Jaroslavska 5/2
+38 044 425 7907
Cuisine:  RussianUkrainian
Club restaurant called Club Petrovich is located on the Yaroslavska Street in the basement of an old house at the Podol district. The menu includes the most popular and familiar dishes of the Soviet period of 20-40 years of the twentieth century. Guests can enjoy soups, hot and cold appetizers, salads, sauces and desserts. There is also a vast alcoholic beverage card – one can order white, red, rosé wines, port wines, champagne, vodka, beer, brandy, gin, whiskey, tequila, rum, liqueurs and vario...
Club restaurant called Club Petrovich is located on the Yaroslavska Street in the basement of an old house at the Podol district. The menu includes the most popular and familiar dishes of the Soviet period of 20-40 years of the twentieth century. Guests can enjoy soups, hot and cold appetizers, salads, sauces and desserts. There is also a vast alcoholic beverage card – one can order white, red, rosé wines, port wines, champagne, vodka, beer, brandy, gin, whiskey, tequila, rum, liqueurs and various cocktails. The décor is entrancing like being in a museum, where there is an old gramophone, vintage sewing machine, and other retro elements of the décor.

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